A few years back at an auction in Montana I was given a ceramic 1960's giant chess set. A few broken pieces here and there, but how could I turn down anything like this for FREE?! I absolutly love the styling on this set. Classic 60's. The queens have cat eyes and the pawn's have handlebar moustaches. Im not sure if someone made the set or it was bought at a store or what, but the quality and attention to detail is fantastic with iridescent glazes and inverted colors.
I took the set home, bought some super glue and dedicated a few hours to fixing all the broken pieces. To my suprise all the pieces were there except for one.(the chip in the knight pictured, I don't mind.) The box has sat in my garage for a few years now until today, when I pulled out the set and got to work filling each and every piece with thin set mortar. I picture this in my garden under a small gazebo covered in vines. Some of the best gardens have interactive qualities(mazes, rocks across ponds to hop on, etc.) and I'm so excited I can add a whole new element to mine!